I am a software engineer with a penchant for security, reliability, and devops. You can learn more about me from my leadership philosophy or reading list.
A Healthcare Software Company (2025-present). for details.
- ████████ ████████ ████████, Foundations Engineering. █████ ████ ██████ ██ ███ ███████, █ ████ ██ ███████ flux capacitor ███ ███████.1
Vanta (2022-2025)
- Staff Security Engineer, Security. Bootstrapped and laid the foundation of multiple security programs, infrastructure, and automation as the company’s first security engineer hire.
Robinhood (2018-2022)
- Staff Software Security Engineer, Red Team. Hacked and broke things to make them more secure against attackers and fraudsters.
- Staff Software Security Engineer, Authentication Platform. Built and maintained high-availability authentication at scale for tens of millions of users.
- Software Engineering Manager, Security. Stood up and supported the Application Security, Infrastructure Security, and Secure Foundations teams.
- Staff Software Engineer, Payments. Built highly-available and reliable systems that powered billions of dollars in money movements.
- Senior Software Engineer, Backend Scaling. Made critical distributed systems run fast and scale to tens of millions of users.
Udacity (2015-2018)
- Software Engineering Manager, Careers. Built web applications that helped students and graduates connect with employers and get hired.
- Senior Software Engineer, Marketing and Growth. Full-stack engineer and manager hybrid role. Built and maintained multiple critical systems, including the microservice that powered the company’s main website.
Self-employed (2014-2015)
- Engineering Consultant. Freelance consultant for robotics and biomechanics in the tri-state area.
Compass Automation (2012-2013). Acquired by Tesla.
- Lead Mechanical Engineer. Department lead. Built a bunch of awesome industrial manufacturing robots.
United States Army (2007-2012)
- Captain, Infantry. Combat arms leader. Led paratroopers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also: honed the ability to lug heavy things up and down mountains. For the vets who also speak acronym: 82d ABN, OIF 2008, OEF 2011, EIB, CIB, Ranger Tab.
- M.S. in Cybersecurity at Georgia Tech (2021)
- M.S. in Analytics at Georgia Tech (2019)
- M.S. in Computer Science at Georgia Tech (2017)
- B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at MIT (2007)
- Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) at Offensive Security (2021)
- Deep Learning Specialization at (2018)
- Machine Learning Nanodegree at Udacity (2018)
- Deep Learning Nanodegree at Udacity (2017)
- Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree at Udacity (2015)
- Data Analyst Nanodegree at Udacity (2015)
- Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree at Udacity (2015)
Publications and Talks
- Keeping Secrets Out of Logs [slides], LocoMocoSec (2024)
- Project Disco: Developing a Video Alternative Suitable for Online Learning [paper] [poster], LWMOOCS (2017)
- Autologous Hamstring Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft Failure Using the Anteromedial Portal Technique With Suspensory Femoral Fixation, The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine (2015)
- Polarization in Cells Containing Single-Ion Graft Copolymer Electrolytes, Journal of The Electrochemical Society (2006)
- Minds Matter Chicago (2013-2014)
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts (2003-2007)
- github:allanbreyes
- keybase:allanbreyes
- twitter:allanbreyes
- hackthebox:cyberpapaya
I usually (try to) keep my current employer and activities off of the public web. I’m sure this is bound to annoy some people, but I’m happy to talk about it if you reach out! Otherwise, it’s not too hard to find it… just not on this website. ↩︎
You may have noticed that there’s some overlap between work and education, here. This was intentional! (Although, getting three M.S. degrees wasn’t…) You can read more about my learning journey here. ↩︎