
A brief survey on the theory of waiting in line with computers, software, and systems


  • About ~25 minutes
  • Quick introduction into queueing theory and fundamentals
  • Breadth-first survey of (hopefully) interesting topics
  • Case studies and examples of queueing systems
  • We'll skip most of the math, probability, derivations, proofs, etc.
  • ...but provide references to resources where you can learn more!

What's a queue?

  • aka a line! e.g. grocery store, theme parks, etc.
  • Collection of entities: messages, people, requests
  • First in, first out (FIFO) or first come, first serve (FCFS)
  • Basic operations: enqueue, dequeue, peek

Where are queues?

Everywhere! e.g.

  • Computers: CPU scheduling
  • Disks and databases: write-ahead logs (WAL)
  • Networking: packet queues
  • Web servers: connection queues
  • Customer support: ticketing systems
  • Manufacturing: assembly lines
  • Project management: work queues
  • Utilities: water/plumbing
  • Day-to-day: grocery lines, banks, traffic, DMV...

A day at the bank

Given: a bank with one teller, customers taking 10 minutes on average to serve and arriving at a rate of 5.8/hour...

What is the expected wait time? How about with two tellers?

One teller Two tellers
5 minutes 3 minutes
50 minutes 30 minutes
5 hours 3 hours

Ref: What happens when you add a new teller? (Cook 2008)


  • "M/M/1" or single-server queue
  • service order, e.g. FCFS (default)
  • λ: arrival rate
  • μ: processing rate
  • N: number of jobs in the queue
  • X: throughput
  • T: response time (time between arrival and departure, including waiting)
  • 💡 An empty queue has the fastest response time



💡 Arrivals (λ) and service time (μ) are distributions!
"M" in M/M/1 is for Markovian (Poisson and Exponential)

Bank tellers revisited

Given: customers taking 10 minutes on average to serve and arriving at a rate of 5.8/hour...

Skipping a whole bunch of math aka "rest of the owl"...

  • 1 teller:
  • 2 tellers:

Response time vs. utilization


  • , : utilization (0.0-1.0)
  • 💡 "It's very hard to use the last 15% of anything."
  • 💡 "The slower the service center, the lower the maximum utilization you should plan for at peak load."
  • Ref: The Every Computer Performance Book (Wescott 2013)

Response time with multiple service centers


  • 1 to 2 tellers: switch from red to dashed green and move left
  • Adding parallelism increases throughput, but results in a steeper cliff
  • 💡 "The closer you are to the edge, the higher the price for being wrong."
  • Ref: The Every Computer Performance Book (Wescott 2013)

Two queueing systems compared

Which is better for response time? A single fast server or slower, parallel servers?

  • Under low load?
  • Under high job variability?
  • 💡 Queuing results from variability in either service time or interarrival time!

TCP: Transmission control protocol

  • Caveat: gross simplification!
  • Two queues: send and receive buffers
  • Packet loss: send > recv/arrivals
  • 💡 Backpressure:
    • B advertises the receive window (rwnd)
    • A adjusts sending to not overwhelm B
  • Backpressure is sometimes good and sometimes bad (more on this later!)
  • Here it prevents overload (next!)
  • Ref: TCP Flow Control (Wikipedia)


  • Queues in practice have a size limit; going over it is "overload"
  • When your system overloads, you have to:
    • Reject incoming work, e.g. load-shedding, drop packets
    • Interrupt ongoing work, e.g. task preemption, suspension
    • Change something
  • FCFS: time in queue is pretty bad, for everyone
  • 💡 Arrival rate (λ) < service rate (μ): necessary for stability, but not sufficient!



  • Undesirable side effect of TCP congestion control
  • "Bloated" buffers at a bunch of places in your system leads to lots of waiting, which result in latency and lag!
  • Lots of super interesting algorithms on how to handle this, e.g. CoDel
  • 💡 Queue size matters: size according to how much you (or your customers) are willing to wait

Ref: Controlling Queue Delay (Nichols 2012)
Ref: bufferbloat.net


  • What if we changed the default queue behavior?
  • Trade-off fairness for response time (latency)
  • Instead of all customers having a bad time, only some do (and they probably already retried or gave up)


Ref: Meet Bandaid, the Dropbox service proxy (Dropbox 2018)

Convoy effect


  • Not to be confused with buffer bloat, but very similar
  • Long job causes a backlog of much shorter jobs
  • Convoy: things that can go faster being stuck behind things that are slower
  • Very real problem in operating system architecture, e.g. older, cooperative scheduling systems would totally hang and crash if only one program did! (Pre-Windows 95)
  • Generally fixed with multi-level (priority) queues and task preemption

Revisiting the two systems with preemption

  • With preemption, the M/M/1 can simulate and (mostly) match the M/M/4
  • Suspending jobs, context-switching: how one CPU core can do many, many things
  • Common to use separate priority queues, e.g. multilevel feedback queue (MLFQ)

Central vs. multiple queues

Offline, batch systems
Larger queues
Optimized for throughput

Online, live systems
Critical to load-balancing
Optimized for latency



  • Messaging queues used to decouple producers from consumers
  • Queues managed by replicated brokers
  • Distributed system with "levers" and tradeoffs:
    • Throughput
    • Latency
    • Durability
    • Availability

Ref: Kafka: a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing (Kreps 2011)


Queueing is central to systems performance:

  • Latency (response time)
  • Throughput
  • Blocking starvation

Ref/Example: Don't Block the Event Loop (or the Worker Pool) (node.js docs)

Hidden bottlenecks

  • Once you fix a bottleneck (A), a new, hidden one (B) might appear!
  • Testing component B in isolation may have surfaced this earlier
  • Typically more common in batch systems where you're concerned with throughput
  • aka whack-a-mole


Open versus closed



💡 If your load test is a closed-loop load generator, it might be lying to you!

Ref: Open Versus Closed: A Cautionary Tale (Schroeder 2006)

Universal scaling law (USL)

  • Concurrency: is the slope in ideal parallelism
  • Contention: comes from queueing on shared resources
  • Coherency: comes from cross-talk and consensus
  • 🤔 Maybe this also applies to humans and organizations?


Ref: Guerilla Capacity Planning (Gunther 2007)


Algorithm Description
(RAND) Randomly choose
(RR) Round robin
FCFS First come, first serve
SJF Shortest job first
PLCFS Preemptive LCFS
FB Foreground-background
PSJF Preemptive SJF
SRPT Shortest remaining processing time


Ref: Task Assignment with Unknown Duration (Harchol-Balter 2002)

(Don't forget) security!

  • Access control: who can send/receive?
  • Authenticity: who did the message come from?
  • Integrity: did the message change?
  • Access control authenticity, integrity
  • 💡 Queues are just channels. If you want security and privacy, you must secure it end-to-end.
  • Ref: End-to-end Arguments in System Design (Saltzer 1984)

Key takeaways

  • Queueing is critical to performance, both response time and throughput
  • Full (and overflowing) queues are bad for response time
  • Lots of unintuitive trade-offs in architecture and algorithm choice

There's so much more. Where to learn more about queueing?


Thanks! 👋