Keeping Secrets Out of Logs

Posted on Aug 2, 2024
tl;dr: There's no silver bullet, but if we put some "lead" bullets in the right places, we have a good shot at keeping sensitive data out of logs.

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"This is the blog version of a talk I gave at LocoMocoSec 2024. It’s mostly a lightly edited transcript with some screenshots, so if you’d prefer, you can watch the video or just flip through the slides."

This post is about how to keep secrets out of logs, and my claim is that (like many things in security) there isn’t a singular action or silver bullet that lets you do this. I would go so far as to say that there’s not even an 80/20 rule, where one action fixes 80% of the problem. It’s not like preventing SQL injection with prepared statements or preventing buffer overflows by using memory-safe languages.

What I will offer instead, are lead bullets, of which there are many. I’m going to talk about 10 of them. They are imperfect and sometimes unreliable things that, if put in the right places and with defense-in-depth, can still give us a real good chance at succeeding. My hope is that by the end, you’ll have a slightly better framework for how to reason about this problem and some new ideas to add to your kit.

Table of contents:

The Problem

With that, let’s dive in and set the table by talking about the problem with secrets in logs.

So, there are some problems that are annoying. And there are some problems that are difficult.

Meme: two red buttons labeled annoying and difficult being pressed

This is both. I’m gonna level with you: I absolutely hate this problem. But I’m not going to gaslight you and tell you that this is the most important thing to work on worry about, because it probably isn’t!

You have somewhere between 5 and 50 other problems in your backlog that seem more important, 1 of which you found out about this morning. But I think it’s likely that none of those problems are nearly as annoying. While researching this topic, I interviewed about a dozen other engineers and, on this point, they unanimously agreed! Nobody likes dealing with secrets in logs because it is extraordinarily annoying.

This is a problem that’s also difficult, but not even in the fun sense, like being technically complex or interesting. Once you catch sensitive data in logs, it’s usually pretty straightforward (at least in retrospect) to determine how they got there. But, it’s also surprisingly elusive to prevent, and it crops up in incredibly unexpected places and ways.

Secrets could mean lots of different things to lots of different teams, but I’ll use it interchangeably with “sensitive data”: stuff that you want to keep confidential. What’s so frustrating when breaching confidentiality in logs is the full spectrum of potential impact.

spectrum from “meh” to “oh no”

In the best case (left), you might log an isolated, internal credential, like an API key, which (kudos!) you rotate right after fixing the source of leak. The impact is minimal, and you just move on. Of course, all the way on the other end of the spectrum (right), you might log something that an attacker or inside threat could use to do some real harm.

And then somewhere in-between, where I suspect most of the incidents lie. You might log secrets that you unfortunately, can’t rotate yourself. Things like PII or your customer’s passwords, which are reused on other sites, because of course they are. And, depending on your policies, threat model, or regulations, you might choose to issue a disclosure or notification.

And it is painful.

a knight in full armor with an arrow labeled LOGS entering the visor

You could be doing so many good data security practices, like secure-by-design frameworks, database and field-level encryption, zero-touch production, access control… but logging bypasses all of that… and ultimately degrades trust, in your systems and in your company. It feels unfair because it’s only a fraction of your security story.

And this is a problem that happens to companies of all sizes:

A screenshot of a Twitter/X blog post in 2018 about log leakage
A screenshot of a Google blog post in 2019 about log leakage
A screenshot of Krebs on Security in 2019 about Facebook log leakage

Something about “plaintext” just kinda stings, especially as a security practitioner. It’s like… the most profane insult you can hurl at a security engineer. Imagine retorting with, “Oh yea? Well, you store your passwords in plaintext!”

But logging passwords and storing them in plaintext are… kinda the same thing.

Meme: same picture

Because while logs are rarely or purposefully public, they’re typically afforded broader access than direct access to your databases.

Everyone knows by now that storing plaintext secrets in your database is a terrible idea. Logs, however, are still data-at-rest, and we should treat them with the same level of scrutiny.

I cherry picked those examples because they are established companies with very mature security programs. I’m not trying to throw shade; in fact, I deeply respect them for being public and transparent about this. I think this also hints that preventing secrets in logs is a deceptively difficult and frustrating problem.

If we can understand some causes, we might gain a deeper appreciation for these past occurrences, and stand a better chance at avoiding new incidents in the future.


This is certainly not comprehensive, but from my interviews and personal experience, here are six of the most common causes.

  1. 🤦 Direct logging
  2. 🚰 Kitchen sinks
  3. 🔧 Configuration changes
  4. 🥧 Embedded secrets
  5. 📡 Telemetry
  6. 🕺🏻 User input

🤦 Direct logging

const temp = res.cookie["session"];

// TODO: remove after testing is done"session HERE", { temp });

Narrator: it was not removed after testing was done

The first group is perhaps the most obvious and facepalm one: when sensitive data is directly logged. Sometimes it’s purely accidental, like the example above: someone wants to debug session cookies in their local environment and then… accidentally commits the code. Sometimes it comes from an uninformed position where the developer just doesn’t know any better.

These tend to be fairly easy to trace down the exact line of code or commit that introduces it. With this example, you can just grep the codebase for session here and you’ll find it instantly.

🚰 Kitchen sinks

const client = googleSdk.admin(...);
try {
  const res = client.tokens.list(...);
} catch (e) {
  Logger.error("failed fetch", { e });

I’m sure you’ve seen or written code like this before. Here we have an API client or SDK that is used to fetch some data. Exceptions are caught, kind of, and then promptly logged so that on-call engineers can debug the errors.

What happens?

Meme: surprise, error handler!

That error is decorated with a config object stuffed with secrets and the full response object, which is also stuffed with secrets, and now they’re both in your logs!

  e: {
    status: 400,
    config: { 💥☠️🪦 },
    response: { 💣😭😱 },

I call these “kitchen sinks,” objects that contain or hold secrets, often in opaque or unexpected ways. Think of an actual kitchen sink that’s filled to the brim with dirty dishes and you can’t easily tell what’s at the bottom without reaching into it. Maybe it’s a spoon, or maybe it’s knife and now you have to go to the hospital. What tends to happen is that the whole kitchen sink gets logged, and the logging library happily serializes it, including parts that were actually sensitive.

This seems to happen with code that attaches additional data onto errors, or code that logs full request and response objects. It’s typically a bit hard to catch in code review unless you know to look for them. If you are blessed with static types, seeing an any type flow into logs can be a good hint that you’re logging too much.

🔧 Configuration changes

Slack message of someone trying to lower the log level

Narrator: it was not okay

Next example: someone needs additional observability and changes a setting like the global log level. You know exactly what happens, here. This dev is about to have a bad time and find out that hope, in fact, is not a valid strategy.

We started with an observability problem. Now we also have security problem: brand new secrets are getting emitted into logs.

In that example (that totally never happened to me ever), developers built production around log levels set to WARN and above, but once you flip it to DEBUG, all this new stuff comes out of the woodwork.

These type of configuration changes tend to involve a system that was built with one set of assumptions, but some kind of modification moves that system from a known state into a unknown state, introducing a new set of problems.

These often involve low-level or global utilities like logging config, HTTP middleware, or some central piece of infra like a load balancer. They tend to be singletons that are difficult or costly to test, or they crop up only at runtime. On the positive side, it’s usually loud and quick to patch, but cleanup can be kinda painful.

🥧 Embedded secrets

app.get("/login/:slug", async (req, res) => {
  const magicLink = req.params["slug"];
  await login({ magicLink });

I completely made up this phrase, but the idea is that secrets are coupled to, embedded into, and baked into more general formats like URLs or remote procedure calls. The central idea is that it’s designed into the format and the system, and can’t easily be separated.

Say you have a magic login link handler (see above) where a user can click a link and sign into a web app. There’s nothing in that code that logs the link, but if you look at HTTP logs, it’s right there in plain view: - - [17/Jul/2024:13:17:10 +0000] "GET /login/Uj79z1pe01...

These types of leaks arise from fundamental designs that don’t take logging into consideration or incorrectly assume some end-to-end flow. The sensitivity gets lost out of context, and ends up getting logged in another layer, system, or service.

📡 Telemetry

    db_name = os.getenv("DB_NAME")
    db_pass = os.getenv("DB_PASS") # 🤫 Secret!
    conn = db.connect(db_name, db_pass)
except Error as e:
    # Don't log e! Not today!!11
    Logger.error("failed to connect")

Next example: we have some Python code that’s connecting to a database, we’re specifically NOT logging the error object, and we want to ensure we always close out the connection.

How can db_pass possibly make it into logs? Telemetry!

A screenshot of a Sentry dashboard
"Oops, that's a log, too!"

It turns out that things like error monitoring and analytics can totally be logs, too. I kind of cheated in the code example, because there’s no mention of telemetry in it at all, but it turns out that if you hook it up to error monitoring like Sentry (above), run-time errors send the local variable context right to the dashboard, and you can see the database password in plaintext.

These causes tend to bypass the central logging pipeline and become Yet Another Place to have to worry about secrets.

🕺🏻 User input

Alright, last example. Say there’s a sign in form and the entire dev team made super duper sure that the password field is totally locked down from logging, they read this super awesome post, and took care of all the causes we discussed.

What happens?

A screenshot of the AWS sign in form

Users end up jamming passwords into the username field!

So if you ever looked at login alerts for AWS and saw usernames replaced with HIDDEN_DUE_TO_SECURITY_REASONS, this is precisely why!

Everything that’s within proximity to sensitive user input tends to be radioactive. It could be a UI issue, but users are surprisingly determined to volunteer secrets in ways that you haven’t prepared for.

We’ve touched on a half dozen causes, and the list of things goes on. We didn’t even talk about the wonder that is crashdumps. But, I think it’s important to zoom out and note that these are proximate causes.

A funny tweet about root cause

I stand by my claim that there’s no silver bullet to take these all out. If we want to avoid playing whack-a-mole, we must bring out our lead bullets that address these issues at a deeper level, and prevent these kinds of things from happening.

Fixes (lead bullets)

So let’s dive in! We will survey 10 fixes, and the order we’ll go in is somewhere between “a dependency graph of things that build on each other” and “following the lifecycle of a secret.” Some of these are obvious or perhaps things you’re already doing, so I’ll focus more on fixes that I think might be a bit newer. That said, it is worth starting with the basics.

  1. 📐 Data architecture
  2. 🍞 Data transformations
  3. 🪨 Domain primitives
  4. 🎁 Read-once objects
  5. 🗃️ Log formatters
  6. 🧪 Unit tests
  7. 🕵️ Sensitive data scanners
  8. 🤖 Log pre-processors
  9. 🔎 Taint checking
  10. 🦸 People

📐 Data architecture

Lead bullet #1 is the most basic and high-level: data architecture and understanding that this is primarily a data flow problem. And part of the solution is reducing the number of data flows and shrinking the problem space so you simply have less things to worry about and protect.

A simple data architecture flow

Instead of stray print statements or components that write directly to filesystem, you instead centralize all your data flows through a single stream. Make it so that there’s one and only one way to log something. If you can understand and control the data structures that enter that funnel, you can prohibit secrets from exiting it.

This has the allure of being a silver bullet, because of course if you can get to 100% of all the things we mentioned here, you’re golden! But in practice (and as we’ve seen previously), that’s difficult because secrets find a way to sneak in or new outflows and side channels are created.

🍞 Data transformations

The previous bullet was about controlling how data flows through your system, this is about transforming, slicing, and disarming that data into safer forms that can be logged. These are the data security fundamentals that you’re already familiar with and likely already doing. This is your bread and butter, so I’m not going to dive into every one. From top to bottom, this is generally arranged from awesome to meh… basically, by how much information is retained.

Minimization☁ (nothing)

On the top, we have data minimization. The best way to not log secrets, is to not have secrets to begin with! This is everything from going passwordless to fetching only the data you need.

Redaction is the next best thing. Blanking out the secret parts and before you pass objects around in memory.

Tokenization, hashing, encryption: these all have their pros, cons, and caveats. Like… are you even doing it correctly?

Dead last is masking. You leave parts of the secret intact. Maybe this works for you. Maybe it doesn’t. Maybe you go straight to jail 🤷

When these techniques work, they generally work well. But very often what happens is that they aren’t used or are used too late, after something is already logged. These have their places in our toolbox, but my claim again is one bullet isn’t enough.

🪨 Domain primitives

Let’s introduce lead bullet #3: domain primitives. Almost all the secrets you run across in codebases are encoded in-memory as string primitives, and I think that makes our jobs harder. Strings can be almost anything.

Strings: any sequence of bytes from "" to "c̴̞̑ť̸͈̘̌ h̸͝ ̭̘̊ü̶̜̫̦̠͋̆͠ ļ̵̮̤̟̉̀͂ṹ̴̝̂🤷867-53-0999"

const secret = "..."

There’s very little about them——at compile time or run-time——that lets you know that it’s sensitive, dangerous to log, or somehow different than any other vanilla string.

The alternative is a concept I learned from the book Secure by Design, and I think it’s one of the most powerful concepts you can add to your codebase, for logs or anything else where you want to layer in security at a fundamental level.

Domain primitives: “combines secure constructs and value objects to define the smallest building block of a domain

const secret = new Secret("...")

You use them as basic building blocks that hold secret values, and they provide security invariants and guarantees that basic string primitives simply cannot.

It’s one of the easiest things you can do. If you shift from “any string can be a secret” to “secrets are secrets”, it makes things a lot easier to reason about and protect.


Pixellated avatar
"Check out a previous blog post on branded types, which are fantastic domain primitives with strong compile-time guardrails."

You can use these to great advantage at compile-time, giving developers immediate feedback right in their editors.

We can type a logging function (log()) so that it never accepts secrets. Then, we use some fetching function that returns secrets, typed as secrets (and not as strings). If we try to log that secret, it will not compile. The type system will not let you log this secret.

// Types
declare const brand: unique symbol;
type Secret = string & { [brand]: string }; // Branded type that extends string
type NotSecret<T> = T extends Secret ? never : T; // Type that excludes secrets

// Logging function
function log<T extends string>(message: NotSecret<T>) { ... };
const message: string = "this is fine"; // 🧵 string primitive
const secretz: Secret = getSecret();    // 👈 domain primitive

log(message); // 👌 compiles!
log(secretz); // 💥 error!

See this example in the TypeScript Playground.

I’m omitting and glossing over a ton of details here, because I don’t want you to focus on the implementation or even TypeScript, for that matter. The salient point here is that instead of tossing secret strings around, you brand them as secret types, providing useful context to both compiler and developer.


It’s really easy to get started, even with code that is functionally a no-op. This is basically the simplest form I can think of—an almost empty class:

class OpenAIToken extends String { /* that could be it! */ }

const token = new OpenAIToken(...);

It’s supposed to represent OpenAI credentials, but it’s just using and extending basic language primitives. You can introduce these objects where secrets originate, like password fields or anytime you decrypt sensitive data fetched from the database. And then layer in behaviors and invariants for where they tend to end up. You progressively start introducing these at both sources and sinks, allowing you to control where secrets should or shouldn’t go. You can embed these into data structures so you know what contains secrets. And along the way, you increase the clarity and safety of your codebase: not only can you prevent these tokens from going into logs, you can make sure you’re sending them only to OpenAI and not to some other API by accident.

I think in the long run, domain primitives are the most powerful control we have because it makes our code secure by design, but it does take some time to get there. These can easily address the direct logging cause we discussed earlier, and with some modifications can help with many more.

Run-time: part deux

We can extend this and make it so that the default serialization behavior is redaction.

class Secret extends String {
    toString() { return "[redacted]" } // Override!
const secret = new Secret("shhh!");
Secret: "[redacted]"

If you try to stuff this into logs, into JSON, into kitchen sinks, into error monitoring, wherever, it’ll always spit out the word “redacted”. You have to intentionally reach for the value.

Let’s take it further. We can create a custom class with an explicit unwrap() function:

class Secret<T> {
    constructor(private readonly value: T) {}
    toString() { return "[redacted]" } // Override serialization
    unwrap() { return this.value }     // Explicit getter function

There’s so many things you can do here, like maybe you want to encrypt or zero it out in memory, because that’s in your threat model. You can take this as far as you need to or are comfortable with. We’ll take it just one step further.

🎁 Read-once objects

Pixellated avatar
"A prior blog post on read-once objects goes into more detail!"

There’s a bit to unpack here, but these build off domain primitives in a very powerful way.

class Secret<T> {
    private locked = false;
    constructor(private readonly value: T) {}
    toString() { return "[redacted]" }

    /* @returns the sensitive value (once and only once) */
    unwrap() {
        if (this.locked) { throw new Error("already read") }
        this.locked = true;
        return this.value;

These objects wrap and keep the secret safe, until you actually need it. The code in the unwrap() function is the crux: there’s a latch or lock that activates after the secret is retrieved the first time. It goes into a “locked” state, and any following reads result in an error that fails loudly.

const secret = getSecret();
const res = await authenticate(secret.unwrap()); // Proper usage;          // [redacted]; // 💥 Error!

Once you get a secret (from user input, database, decryption, etc.) you wrap it in a read-once object immediately and keep it wrapped for as long as you can. And for its single, intended purpose, like using it for some kind of API authentication, you unwrap the value, use it, and then the object stays locked for good. This is surprisingly effective at preventing and detecting unintentional use. It addresses and disarms many of the proximate causes that we discussed earlier.

This object pairs extremely well with static analysis. Tools like CodeQL or Semgrep can help ensure that developers aren’t bypassing any safety guarantees.

These are generally high signal, especially when you have good unit test coverage. One drawback is that read-once objects, if handled incorrectly but not necessarily unsafely, could cause errors at run-time. But I think the tradeoffs are usually worth it, especially if you complement it with testing, static analysis, and taint-checking. Speaking of which…

🔎 Taint checking

I like to think of taint checking as static analysis with superpowers. I absolutely love it and the first time I used it, it was like someone just handed me a lightsaber. Quick review for the uninitiated: the general idea here is that you add taint to various sources (like database objects), and yell loudly if the data flows into certain sinks (like logs).

A simple taint flow diagram

The red data flow trace on the right detects the secret flowing into logs. But the green path is fine, because the secret is tokenized. Let’s walk through a quick example:

An annotated screenshot from Semgrep

On the left, we’ve marked a couple sources like decrypt and a database fetcher. We’ve also marked our logger as a sink, and the tokenize() function as a sanitizer.

  • On the right in red, we can see that taint was created from the decrypt function, propagated through the getSSN() function, and then flagged for going into the logs on line 18.
  • In blue, there’s a much shorter path where the user model from the database is tainted and then flagged for going into logs.
  • And then lastly, in green, we’re tokenizing the decrypted SSN, so it’s not flagging that it’s logged.

The idea that this is checking millions or more different data flows is the real magic part for me.


Some of the strengths of taint analysis: obviously automation. Tracing these data flows is 100% a job for a machine. This can really help with domain primitives but also can be used standalone and can even key in on heuristics like variable names: for example, all variables containing “password”. You can tie this into all of your critical tools, from code review to CI/CD.

This is especially potent against kitchen sinks and embedded secrets, because those data structures can be tainted by secret values and checked accordingly.

Not awesome

Some personal opinions on drawbacks: I do feel like taint checking rules tend to be a bit difficult to write. I really, really like Semgrep, but I’m also not the biggest fan of YAML.

It also turns out that data flow analysis is an NP-hard problem so for large codebases and monorepos, you likely can’t run full taint analysis on every pull request or commit. Because it runs in CI/CD and as part of change management, when it works, it can prevent the introduction of insecure logging into the codebase.

But, like all of the lead bullets we’ve discussed and will discuss, they can miss. How can we handle that?

🗃️ Log formatters

Let’s say we made the mistake of logging too much data with our email service:

  tenantId: "52902156-7fb6-4ab0-b659-6b07b80cf89a",
  email: {
    subject: "Log in to your account",
    html: '<a href="">Click here</a> to log in!',
    from: "AcmeCorp <[email protected]>",
    to: "Darth Plagueis (The Wise) <[email protected]>",
  response: {
    status: 200,
    originalRequest: {
      headers: {
        Authorization: "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIi..."
      body: '{"html": "<a href=\\"\\">Click..."}',

We have a couple of our usual suspects here. Because we’re logging email contents, magic links show up in logs… twice! We’re also logging some kitchen sinks, like email metadata and the original request, so we have PII and authorization headers also in logs. But because this data is structured, if we can traverse these objects, it turns out that we can zero in on these leaks quite effectively.

  tenantId: "52902156-7fb6-4ab0-b659-6b07b80cf89a",
  email: {
    subject: "Log in to your account",
    html: '<a href="">Click here</a> to log in!',
    from: "AcmeCorp <[email protected]>",
    to: "REDACTED",
  response: {
    status: 200,
    originalRequest: {
      headers: "REDACTED",
      body: '{"html": "<a href=\\"\\">..."}',

If we can introspect these objects, we can scan for dangerous substrings like our login links, and then drop or redact them. Or we can drop whole values, if we know that certain paths like are particularly dangerous. Fields like request or headers tend to be risky objects that we can also remove. We can even drop the whole log object if it doesn’t meet some admission criteria, or—we can simply error out.

So, how and where do we deploy something like this? Most application loggers should have some type of middleware stack or pipeline, kinda like here on the right. These are typically configured for operations like converting objects into JSON, turning error objects into readable formats, or enriching logs by inserting useful context like network information. We can invert that, and instead of enriching with useful data, we can remove or redact sensitive data.

export const logger = createLogger({
  format: format.combine(

      redact(), // 👈 insert here!


This is a type of guardrail that helps catch many of the common problems we described previously, like request headers or config objects. I’ve used this with decent success and found that it works best as a rifle instead of a shotgun. Because it’s at the application tier, you can customize it for the type of data or context that each application handles. For example, we can make it so that any of our domain primitives that reach this layer are quickly detected and removed.

This is extremely cheap to introduce, but there are some trade-offs. It’s certainly more of a safety net than hard control, and a developer determined to bypass it, can and will. Steady state, I measured this at less than 1% of clock time, but there are some deeply unfortunate ways this can go wrong such as poorly written regexes and self-ReDoS.

More or less, these risks can be mitigated with solid unit-testing. Which leads us to…

🧪 Unit tests

Lead bullet #7: hooking into and using the existing test suite—that’s already there—to our advantage. We can use several of the tools we discussed, but instead of simply detecting or redacting secrets, we can ramp up the sensitivity in our test environment to fail or error loudly.

🪨 Domain primitivesRedactError
🎁 Read-once objectsErrorError
🗃️ Log formattersRedactError
🕵️ Sensitive data scannersDetectError

I’ll cover sensitive data scanners next, but many test suites are already set up to capture stdout and stderr, and so you can even point your scanners to these capture buffers.

The takeaway here is that you can reap the same benefits of CI/CD and change management by catching unsafe code before it’s merged or deployed, but of course, you’re also dependent on coverage and if the right code and data paths are exercised.

🕵️ Sensitive data scanners

These are fairly blunt but effective tools that can discover and remove sensitive data. I’m actively going to avoid diving deep here, because it does seem like many teams and vendors focus on this as the solution. So instead, I’d like to pose a few questions that might help you reason about trade-offs:

  • Where and when in your logging pipeline is it most effective?
  • Is it a gate, in-line of the critical path, or does it scan asynchronously?
  • Do you simply want to detect or do you bias towards masking and redaction? How will your team handle and deal with false positives?
  • How far do the general, out-of-box rules take you? Can you tailor it specifically to your usage patterns?
  • Can you verify the credentials? Can that even keep up with log throughput?
  • And then perhaps what tends to be the long pole in the tent: what are the costs, and can you sample instead?

I think these tools tend to be better suited for defense-in-depth, because they presume that secrets made it into logs to begin with. They can help catch the more elusive causes we discussed like configuration changes or user input.


A very brief segue into sampling. Logs tend to have a kind of power law distribution, where certain types of logs vastly outnumber others. And typically what you see is that log sources have static points in code, generally with the same type of data running through them. And so within each log type, scanning and finding a single true positive might be highly representative of that group.

And so you might run into a scenario where, given some global sample rate, you’re wasting a lot of work for high frequency logs and not even scanning lower frequency logs. I think a better alternative to a global sample rate is to aggregate logs by some heuristic like type or origin, and to ensure you hit some minimum threshold.

A chart depicting sampling

In practice, I’ve found this difficult or impossible to configure with out-of-box solutions. I’ve had to introduce additional infrastructure to help. And that’s our next lead bullet.

🤖 Log pre-processors

Second to last lead bullet, #9: log pre-processors. These sit between apps that emit logs, and the final data stores.

A simple architecture diagram

In the above example, something like Vector can receive and process logs from our microservices before dispatching them to DataDog or wherever logs end up. We can configure it to drop sensitive data in-place using many of the techniques we discussed before. And we can sample some subset of them and store them onto an S3 bucket, using a more powerful tool like Trufflehog or an LLM to catch and verify secrets.

The idea here is to process logs streams before they’re persisted. It doesn’t need to be Vector, chances are, you already have this existing infrastructure that’s used for deduping, aggregation, and dropping noisy debug logs. We can re-use it to prevent and detect secrets in logs. This pairs very well with sensitive data scanners that we discussed earlier, and might even unlock new ones you thought were out of reach.

🦸 People

“Human practitioners are the adaptable element of complex systems. Practitioners and first line management actively adapt the system to maximize production and minimize accidents.”

-Richard Cook,

Our last stop is people. Modern software is a complex system. And while people will write the code that accidentally introduces sensitive data into logs, they’re also the ones that will report, respond, and fix them. They’ll build out the systems and infrastructure that will keep these complex systems safe. And early on in your maturity story and before you’re able to build out secure-by-design frameworks, this is the lead bullet you’ll most likely use the most.

The most important message I want to convey here is that your security team isn’t alone, especially if you:

  • educate your teammates on secure logging design
  • empower them to report and address these issues
  • and equip them with tools that get out of their way and helps them succeed.


Alright, so we’ve covered lead bullets that protect code, protect data, and protect logs:

  1. 📐 Data architecture
  2. 🍞 Data transformations
  3. 🪨 Domain primitives
  4. 🎁 Read-once objects
  5. 🗃️ Log formatters
  6. 🧪 Unit tests
  7. 🕵️ Sensitive data scanners
  8. 🤖 Log pre-processors
  9. 🔎 Taint checking
  10. 🦸 People

Some of these might work for you, some of these won’t, and some that we haven’t even mentioned could be a homerun for you. Maybe you have super tight control over your log schemas or maybe you’re using LLMs in a really neat and effective way. Or maybe you’re building or using a language that has first class support for controlling secrets.

These worked for me. I have some personal opinions on ones which are foundational, some that are powerful in the long-run, and some that are really easy to get started. But your story is different, so I’d like to zoom out and close out with a high-level, methodical strategy that you can apply for your security programs, and that we’ll apply and walk through with an example.


Here’s a general strategy:

  1. Lay the foundation
  2. Understand the data flow
  3. Protect at chokepoints
  4. Apply defense-in-depth
  5. Plan for response and recovery

I’m not shooting for a Nobel, here. You’re probably doing some of these already, and chances are, you have some type of playbook or process that looks just like this. The key idea here is to not miss the forest for the trees, and use these explicit steps to place our efforts where they’ll matter most. I’ll walk you through a hypothetical system and we’ll apply these in order.

0. Lay the foundation

Step zero is the foundation. Table stakes. This is like the base tier of Maslow’s hierarchy, and we need these before we try anything else.

Developing expectations, culture, and support is a must-have. They’re easy to ignore or forget about, but can make or break success. If you work at place that hasn’t addressed these in the past, it can be quite jarring or difficult to shift that mentality.

Meme: high-fiving a drowning hand

I don’t have a ton of advice here other than making sure your org is aligned on this. It’ll probably feel like it’s getting worse before it’s getting better, but that is a sign of progress. A great litmus test for a solid foundation is if developers will (or already have) come to you to report secrets they found in logs.

The second thing we’ll need is to decide is what we consider a secret to begin with. I, admittedly, used secrets and sensitive data interchangeably. This may not be the case for you. It doesn’t need to be perfect or comprehensive, and maybe it’s just a framework. But employees, especially the security team, need common understanding.

The third item is technical. If our logs aren’t structured or aren’t JSON, it’ll make this endeavor a lot more difficult. A lot of the techniques we discussed just won’t work. If we don’t have that central pipeline or there isn’t One and Only One Way to both dispatch and view logs, we’ll have to do a lot more lifting. We’ve seen a few ways that logs bypass this, but having a central pipeline should cover most of the bases.

1. Understand the data flow

With the foundation laid, the next best thing to do is to understand and chart out how secrets flow through your system. This is basically a Data Flow Diagram, and we’ll go through a fairly modest example.

A data flow diagram

On the left, we have users that visit some type of single-page web app. Requests and data flow through an application load balancer to several web application services running in containers. This is our core compute and where all the application code runs. Let’s assume that these are disparate microservices processing all types of data, some of which are considered secret. For the most sensitive data, they use KMS to encrypt and then store the ciphertext blobs in their respective database.

And then, applications use a standard logging library to emit to stdout, which gets shipped to CloudWatch and then forwarded to Datadog. That’s the final stop, and that’s where employees, devs, support staff, etc. can view them.

I highly recommend going through an exercise like this, because not only does it force you to understand the flows and boundaries of the system, if you spend time at each node and threat model it, you end up finding a bunch of unexpected ways and places that secrets make it into logs. For example…

  • Front-end analytics! It turns out that secrets from things like form contents to session replays could end up getting sent to your user analytics platform.
  • And then what about our application load balancers? These ship their HTTP logs directly to CloudWatch, so we could be logging embedded secrets in URLs, and it’s totally bypassing our application tiers.
  • Last surprise: error monitoring! Let’s just say that some team wired up Sentry instead of DataDog for error monitoring, because of course they did, and now you have another stream of secrets in logs.
An animated DFD with new flows

We could go further, and we haven’t even drilled into application architecture, but I think this is a good time to move from discovery to action.

2. Protect at chokepoints

The next step we want to take is to protect the chokepoints. And if some flow isn’t going through that chokepoint, like our rogue team that yeeted Sentry into prod, we fix it! We can get rid of Sentry and get that team onto the paved path of our logging pipeline.

We have a very clear chokepoint; a narrow path that most logs eventually flow through. Here’s where most of our lead bullets should go.

Horziontally-aligned chokepoint

Here’s that chokepoint splayed out. I also added an upstream node to represent CI/CD, because that’s how code get into our apps. We can then put the bulk of our protective controls here on the critical path.

We can re-architect the app to use a single logging library and secure-by-default domain primitives. Then we could use those to build out and augment our static analysis, taint-checking, and unit tests. These give us a decent front-line defense for our logging pipeline.

3. Apply defense-in-depth

“Every preventative control should have a detective control at the same level and/or one level downstream in the architecture.” -Phil Venables,

The third step is about adding depth to that defense, a concept we’re all familiar with. I really like how Phil Venables crystallizes what defense-in-depth means and I think he generally gives great advice. The idea is that our controls are not simply overlapping, but mutually supportive. Something’s always got your back.

Along this chokepoint we add our downstream components, in depth. Some are preventative, while some are detective.

Horziontally-aligned chokepoint

We can add additional protections like tokenization and read-once objects. We can add the downstream tools like our custom log formatters, and employ various sensitive data scanners at different points. And then finally, we can educate and equip our team.

This is what defense-in-depth looks like to me, and I think this maximizes chances of success.

4. Plan for response and recovery

  • Determine the scope
  • Restrict access
  • Stop the bleeding / fix the source
  • Clean up all the places, e.g. indexes
  • Restore access
  • Do a post-mortem
  • Make it ~impossible to happen again

But, of course, if we do miss or if we manage to only detect vs. prevent, we should be prepared for response and recovery. You already know how to respond to incidents like this, so I won’t add much here, other than making sure you’re sticking to a playbook in the right order, pulling levers to restrict and restore access while you’re responding, as well as thinking about all the weird places secrets might persist in logs, like indexes.


And that’s it. This is the culmination of our strategy, our work, and about 30 some minutes of blabber.

Overlaid DFD w/ controls

With a solid foundation and understanding of our data flows, we protected our chokepoints in-depth and kept secrets out of logs. We’ve also introduced a lot of other strong primitives that materially improve our security program. So is that it? Is the job done?

Well, no, because the data team wired up some ETL jobs that are now spewing secrets into data lake logs, because of course they did.

Animated DFD with new data flow

Like most things in security, the job often isn’t ever done. But we have the understanding, the tools, and a strategy to fight the next fight. Keeping secrets out of logs is in your hands.

Comedian pretending he has no hands

If you liked what you heard, or if you hated it, I’d love to hear your story. Please, reach out! Thanks! ✌️